Today’s Latest Virtue Signalling Yard Sign
This story was initially posted by one of our members on her blog —
I took my walk around the block today and found the latest iteration of my not so favorite virtue signalling yard sign. I would be remiss to not mention right away that everyone has the right to full free speech as well as putting up literally any signage in their yard. However, I can still exercise my First Amendment right to speak out on the lunacy of the text of a few signs I have seen lately. Why do I say lunacy? The specific sign is a set of general statements, some of which do not even make sense.
Here it goes -
It turns out many carried this sign or something similar during the “Women’s March.” It is almost becoming the thing for some to feel the need to put up a sign like this to appear to neighbors and friends as “tolerant” and “loving”. However, if we pick apart this sign line by line one can soon find some hypocritical trends as well as trends that are even intolerant.
Here we go!
Well, what the heck does that even mean? I love my family, I love my friends, I love God. Personally, I do not tell someone that they cannot not love another individual. However, the writers of the sign twist around this phrase to use it as a direct endorsement for same sex marriage. One can honestly still be loving and not support same sex marriage.
Absolutely — black lives do matter but so do ALL black lives (born and unborn), Asian Lives, Hispanic Lives, White Lives, ALL LIVES. Why can’t we embrace the fact that ALL LIVES are sacred and have intrinsic value regardless of age, skin color, or even whether or not the life is inside the womb or outside of the womb? The official Black Lives Matter organization was put together by individuals who have Marxist roots. The further irony is that Karl Marx himself was quite racist. Irony, contradiction again!
If science is so real, why is it that those handing out these signs at an organizational level support abortion on demand? Doesn’t science show that a human life begins at conception? If it is not a human, what is it? And as I have posted about in the past, this baby being electively terminated through an abortive procedure is just the same as a baby who if murdered when it’s mother is murdered would lead to a double murder charge. Is “science” only real when it is politically convenient?
Again, back to the issue of abortion — I am sorry, but it is just appalling that one can talk about a woman’s right being a human right but also at the same time desire to terminate an unborn female in the womb and ensure she never has ANY rights.
Alright, here we go again — what does this even mean. One can quickly infer that this is a statement placed on a sign to take a stand with illegal immigrants. One can support and even care for illegal immigrants. The issue is, though, if an individual enters a country without proper papers and approval and is breaking the law, that individual has entered the country illegally. I have traveled extensively for business and each time need to go through customs, explain my travels and even at times needed to apply for visas. No other country is a-okay with fully opening the door to the free flow of individuals across the border. Sure — all humans have inherent dignity (born and unborn human lives), but if someone commits a crime (entering a country illegally), it is OKAY to state that that individual IS here illegally. There are many individuals who wait for years in line to enter our great nation legally.
I won’t even address this one as I do not even get what it means and am not going to waste my time trying to figure out the symbolism here.
Yes- be kind to others, neighbors, friends, family but that means being KIND to EVERYONE! EVEN IF THEY DISAGREE WITH YOUR POLITICAL PERSUASION. That means being kind and caring to the unborn and not demanding abortion on demand. That means being kind to the brave men and women who daily put their lives on the line to serve in law enforcement to keep our communities safe. That means being kind to individuals who might even support political leaders you do not like or might not get sucked up into putting up a virtue signalling sign in their yard as they are doing much more by donating to charity, serving in the community, serving at a homeless shelter.
Putting up a sign with a laundry list of generic slogans is EASY, but what is difficult is being able to show LOVE and respect to ALL PEOPLE even if they disagree with you on the path of how to help those in need, solve policy issues, and even live their lives.
In the spirit of respecting free speech and upholding the First Amendment, you absolutely bet I would never tell someone they cannot put that sign up in their lawn. However, it would be great for individuals who do put lawn signage up like the above sign, to actually know more about the organization making the signs and also be able to respond to questions about the at times blatant hypocrisy of statements on said signs.